Enbeam 1U 144C HD Fibre Optic P/Panel 12F Cassette
The Excel Enbeam 19" HD panel provides an expandable and innovative cassette based patching solution. These panels have a maximum capacity of 12 (1U), 24 (2U) or 48 (4U) cassettes per panel, which are snapped into position quickly, easily and without tooling. Once in position the cassette can be moved back and forth via the sliding drawer mechanism.
LC presentation cassettes contain 12 fibres, enabling 144 to 576 fibre to be terminated/patched over 1U, 2U or 4U rack space. A variety of cassettes are offered providing a highly flexible system and all cassettes can be mixed and matched as required.
Options include LC splice cassettes, LC-MTP cassettes LC cassettes are offered with singlemode (blue) or OM4 (violet) adaptors.
LC presentation cassettes contain 12 fibres, enabling 144 to 576 fibre to be terminated/patched over 1U, 2U or 4U rack space. A variety of cassettes are offered providing a highly flexible system and all cassettes can be mixed and matched as required.
Options include LC splice cassettes, LC-MTP cassettes LC cassettes are offered with singlemode (blue) or OM4 (violet) adaptors.